Mihi Whakatau by Bridgitt Robinson

Principal's News

RHSFebruary 1, 2021

Ngā mihi ki a koutou

Welcome to the 2021 school year. The first few days have been busy. We welcomed our Year 9 students, Year 10-13 new students and new staff on Tuesday 2 February. It was great to have whānau also attend our mihi whakatau.

In 2021 we welcome a number of new staff: Shannon Small, Assistant Leader of Learning ESOL & NESB; Suzi Maddren, teacher of food and nutrition; Sharon Sanders, teacher of social science; Liam Connelly, health and physical education; Nigel Mills, teacher of mathematics; Morgan Hammerich, teacher of business, mathematics, science and dance; Thomas Murray, teacher of business and enterprise.

Student Achievement. In 2021 there will be an increased focus on student achievement. Our 2020 NCEA results were not as good as we would have liked. While NCEA Level 1 Literacy, Numeracy and Achievement rates were well above national averages and NCEA level 2 were at national averages our initial analysis tells us that our students could do better.

2021 Foci. We are looking to significantly improve on last year’s results this year and beyond.To achieve this, teachers will be focusing on supporting all our young people to develop their learning dispositions particularly their thinking skills. A key focus of wānanga is also the tracking of progress and achievement to inform coaching conversations.

Positive and strong relationships will continue to be a priority for us and that also involves parents and whānau. When all three partners (the young person, family / whānau and the school) are working together, communicating regularly and supporting each other, then academic success improves dramatically. We will be communicating regularly about our priorities and expectations, and will be holding ‘meet the teacher’ events, parent education meetings and hui to strengthen our partnership.

Positive Behaviour for Learning. To support our young people in their learning, our school year begins with a focus on positive behaviours needed for learning (PB4L). Key to this work is a focus on the Lighthouse Values –Whakautea / Respect, Tohaina / Contribute and Wawatahia / Aspire. I have included below the PB4L matrix that provides for our young people our expectations of their behaviour at school in each of our school settings.

Image by: RHS

Arriving at school on time and being in class on time are key messages we are reinforcing in these first few weeks. We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your support in ensuring your child arrives at school wearing the correct uniform, on time, with the correct gear and having completed their homework.

We also expect that all students will have their cell phones on silent or turned off and out of sight in all classes, on school trips/camps and events. Earbuds are also to be away and the only time that students will be allowed to use their earbuds and cellphones in class, on school trips/camps or events is when the teacher gives permission. It is important that students learn to recognise that there is a time and a place for social media, texting, phone calls, listening to music and a time for learning. We would ask that you reinforce this.

If you need to contact your child during class time, please contact reception who will ensure that your message is passed onto your child.

KAMAR Portal. The KAMAR parent portal enables you to check your child’s daily attendance, their pastoral record and monitor their achievement. If you need advice on how to access this portal or you have lost your username or password please contact admin@rangiorahigh.school.nz.

Contacting staff members. Included in this newsletter you will find the contact details for staff. Please do contact your child's wānanga teacher in the first instance if you have any concerns about your child’s wellbeing, academic progress or relationships. Your child’s Dean and Head of House are also available to support your child. The Guidance Team is also available to support your child’s wellbeing.

If you wish to discuss your child’s progress in a particular subject or have any concerns about their learning programme please contact your child’s subject teacher or the Leader of Learning.

We have also included the Strategic Leadership Team’s contact details. We are also available to answer any questions that you may have. I have included below a brief summary of their responsibilities.

Mr Donnelly

Associate Principal

● Year 10

● Oversight of Rutherford House

● Wānanga

● Development of new learning opportunities

● Education outside the classroom

Mrs Cleary

Deputy Principal

● Year 11

● Oversight of Ngata House

● Curriculum

● Assessment


Ms Malcolm

Deputy Principal

● Year 13

● Oversight of Hillary and Sheppard Houses

● Attendance

● Hardship

● Pastoral care

● Uniform

Mr Quigley

Deputy Principal

● Year 12

● Oversight of Mansfield House

● Tracking of Student Achievement

● School calendar

● Timetabling

Mr Wright

Deputy Principal

● Year 9

● Oversight of Lydiard House

● Student Support Services

● Transition

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.

I look forward to meeting a number of you over the coming weeks and wish you and your children all the best for a successful year.

Karen Stewart
Principal / Tumuaki

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