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Rangiora High School Te Kura Tuarua o Rangiora

RHS Newsletter November 2020



by Julia Malcolm

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Mihi Whakatau

Principal's News

by RHS

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Important Dates

by RHS

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Hillary House at the top of the Leaderboard

HILLARY HOUSE wins the 2020 House competition

by Bridgitt Robinson

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Hillary House

by RHS

Hillary House News

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Lydiard House

by RHS

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Ngata House

by RHS

Ngata House News

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Mansfield House

by RHS

Mansfield House News

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Rutherford News

by RHS

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Sheppard House

Sheppard House

by RHS

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The Staff at Rangiora High School wish you all a very Merry Christmas

by RHS

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Y13 Last Day before Exams

Year 13 2020 Farewell Lunch

by Bridgitt Robinson

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Prince's Trust Enterprise Programme for SVA Service Award students

by RHS

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'Hands on at Otago'

by RHS

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Making Music

by RHS

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Summer school opportunities

by Supplied

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Supporting New Zealand’s COVID-19 response

by Karen Stewart and Simon Green

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International News

by RHS

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Uniform News

by RHS

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Sports News

by RHS

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Board Of Trustees News

by RHS

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