Rangiora High School Pre-Enrolments for 2020

RHSApril 5, 2019

Rangiora High School Pre-Enrolments for 2020:

· This year enrolments for Year 9 students starting in 2020 will be online. The link will be available early next term. You will need to click on the Parent Portal icon from the home page on our website and look for the Enrolment tab. Further instructions and details will be sent out next term.

· For planning purposes, we would appreciate if you could submit your child’s enrolment application by Friday 21st June.

· With your application you will be required to upload a copy of your child’s birth certificate if born in NZ, or passport if not born in NZ (or citizenship certificate); as well as proof of your address.

· Please note that your child must be living in the RHS enrolment zone at the time of attendance in 2020 to be entitled to enrol at Rangiora High School. You are required to provide proof of this with your application (e.g. a copy of a recent account which is dated, showing your name and physical address as the account holder).

· If you are unsure of the zoning, please check our zone map on our website. If you have any questions regarding the zone, please do not hesitate to contact the school office.

· If you do not live in our enrolment zone and wish your child to attend Rangiora High School in 2020, you have the opportunity to apply as an out-of-zone applicant. Please note that this is not available online - you will need to contact the school office to request an enrolment application form. Your completed application must be returned to us no later than the 26th July 2019. The ballot for out-of-zone applications will be held on the 31st July. Further information can be found under Enrolment on our website.

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