Hero photograph
Photo by Jasmine Treacy

Kākāriki - but not as we knew it!!

Jasmine Treacy —

Kākāriki has had our first week in our new spaces and we really are rocking it. The classrooms are clear and the walls ready for the students Art work and projects.

Our new colleague, Matua Nathan has slotted into our team brilliantly. The kids are having fun getting to know him and he is a fair and fun Kaiako. They also love him playing basketball with him! 

We have some great ideas for the students this term including: Summer sports and Fitness, Letter writing, Statistics, Robotics, Photography, Chinese and more!

The Year Eights will be attending technology on Wednesdays this term. We are looking forward to seeing their creations and practical learning. The Year sevens who are remaining at school are part of the EPIC programme delivered back in our hub.

It was great to see some of our ākonga, students, at the Waitangi celebrations. I am especially proud of the band who performed for the first time in at two months. Ngā mihi (thank you), to those students whom I absolutely adore working with. I look forward to our 'Band Camp' in week eleven.

Our first two weeks learning has been focused around the school values, getting to know each other, goal setting and setting expectations. This has been particularly important as we get used to our new spaces and class groupings.

In Kākāriki we always provide opportunity for leadership and skill development. Students have been asked to apply for a leadership position during week two and will be announced shortly after.

We already have a great feeling of respect and warmth in our hub. We are looking forward to a great term and year.

Bring it on Kakariki!