Hero photograph
Good times ahead ...
Photo by pixabay.com

Your "Welcome to School" newsletter in your inbox Friday afternoon (tomorrow).

Shane Buckner —

We are receiving new and updated information daily regarding school at the Red setting. Here is a quick update ...

To ensure you get the most up to date information for children to start school next Thursday 3 February, we have been collating the information communicated to schools from the Ministry of Education, to present in an information publication you will be able to refer to as part of our Covid information for 2022. You will receive this newsletter tomorrow afternoon.

The principals from the 6 Rangiora schools have also met together to ensure that we have all got the right messages to present to our respective school communities. That is just one of the many positives of working in a community such as Rangiora - the close collaborative nature we work by.

Staff prep for start of school

Our team has been working hard at school getting programmes and systems ready, while also adapting to the different way we will have to run our school in the Red setting. 

Tomorrow (Friday), all staff are refreshing their First Aid certificate. On Monday there is a staff day where we are going over our administration requirements, working on our cultural sustainable practice, and undertaking ongoing skills in digital technology. On Tuesday, our staff are having a full day working with Ministry and RTLB on our PB4L behaviour curriculum and training, and then on Wednesday will be team preparation for our children arriving on Thursday for their first day of school for 2022.

Heads up...

In the newsletter tomorrow, we will have more information about how the teams will be communicating with you at the beginning of the year. This was planned to be a "meet the teacher" meeting face to face for all school on Wednesday, but now under Red setting this can't happen for the full school. All teams however, have decided on their way of communicating with you so that there is still a connection being made between whānau and the teams. As stated above, we will include this information in the newsletter tomorrow.

Keep smiling
