Hero photograph
Photo by Angela Newland

RBS Sports Update

Angela Newland —

We have had an exciting term of sport at Rangiora Borough. 

This term we have engaged in North Canterbury Sport coaching, Girls Got Game, Girls Cricket, and also had a sport play activator in this term to promote engagement.

Next week we are sending a large group of our girls to Southbrook park for 'Girls Rugby have a go day'. A notice has gone home today for our year 5 and 6 girls and a selection of year 7 and 8 girls.

The following week we have entered three teams into the Korf ball competition at Mainpower stadium. This is an excellent opportunity our senior students, as we have had success  in this sport in past tournaments. Teams have been trialled and will be finalised early next week.

Next term we have the opportunity to participate in Friday afternoon winter sport tournament. This is competing with the local North Canterbury schools in a selection of sports from, volleyball, football, rugby, netball, tennis and maybe even bowls. This tournament runs from 12.30 until 2.50pm during school time on a Friday, for year 5 to 8 students. We would really appreciate help if there are any parents who could volunteer  please email angela.newland@rangiora.school.nz.  This tournament runs for 6 weeks from the 12th May to the 16th of June.

On a final note we have booked in Tuesday the 16th of may for our full school cross country with a postponement date of Thursday the 18th. More information on the organisation of the day to follow.

I am enjoying the fact that our students are putting their hands up and give lots of new things a go. Keep up the positive attitude and I will ensure that the opportunities keep coming.