Rangiora Borough School A- Z
Kia ora and welcome to Rangiora Borough School. Our school is situated in the middle of Rangiora township. Our school has a proud history and was opened in 1873. We are a full primary school for students from New Entrants to Year 8. We have a staff of over 30 dedicated teachers and support staff with a roll of approximately 470 students.
The object of this Rangiora Borough School "A to Z" is to provide a summary of information about the school, so that you may be more familiar with its day-to-day running. The information is of a general nature, and your enquiries on any matter are always welcome.
We are required by The Ministry of Education to hear from you if your child is absent from school. Please phone the school before 9.00 a.m as we operate an electronic attendance system throughout the school. It is important that children are at school on time everyday as the daily roll is taken at 8.55am.
You can also use our School App to notify the school of their absence.
If students are late to school or leave the school at any time they need to sign in/out at the School Office.
If you need to pick your child up early for any reason please report to the office to sign them out on the Vistab. This is particularly important as in the case of any emergency at the school, we need to be able to account for each child.
After/Before School Programme
Our school offers an oscar approved before and after school programme for the students of our school.
Venue: School Hall
Session 1: 7.00am - 8.30am
Session 2: 3.00pm - 5.30 pm
Activities include:
a homework area
Board Games
Indoor Games
Puzzle and fun area
Computer area
Sports equipment/Outdoor games
Reading corner
Supervision: Ratio of Supervisors to Students is 1 :10
Please phone the School Office for further details.
Behaviour Policy & Procedures
Rangiora Borough School’s Positive Behaviour Programme is a school wide approach that supports a culture whereby positive behaviour and learning thrive.
Board of Trustees
Our Board of Trustees works closely with the Principal and staff responsible for the management of the school. Parents are welcome to attend Board of Trustees meeting which are held at 5.30pm on Mondays twice a term. See the school calendar for dates.
For all policies please refer to the School Docs link on our website. http://rangiora.schooldocs.co.nz (user name: rangiora password: bigtree )
Coming to School
Bicycles - The Police recommend that children under the age of 10 be accompanied by an adult when riding bicycles to school.
Scooters - Scooters must be parked in the bike stands outside the School Administration area.
Cars - Please be mindful of our children and other road users when dropping off/picking up students from school. Please do not park on yellow lines, double park or park over our neighbours’ driveways. The police do monitor these areas from time to time.
Crossings - There are two supervised school patrols operating both before and after school. One is in King Street, the other is in Church Street. Please use these crossings and set good examples for our children.
All Cybersafety policies and procedures can be viewed on Rangiora Borough School School Docs site.
Dental Nurses
The Dental van visits our school at intervals during the year. If you have any enquiries please contact the School Dental Therapists directly. PH 0800 864983
The New Entrant Process at Rangiora Borough School
Firstly, a pre-enrolment which allows us to form a database of prospective pupils. The form and information for this is available at the school office by coming in or you can download the attached form. This form is completed and returned to school asap where details are transferred to the electronic database and the paper copy passed on to the enrolling staff member (Deputy Principal, Jo Pasley)
Then, 5-6 weeks prior to a child starting school parents will be phoned to make an appointment time to complete the official 'paperwork' and to answer some questions about the child's growth and development and their current skills at that time. This is a snapshot to give to the teacher and an opportunity to get to know the child and their family. The child is welcome to attend the enrolment meeting to and will have a little activity to keep them engaged.
At the time of enrolling, the child's teacher will be decided on and a visit to the room to look at the environment and say "hello" to the teacher also occurs.
Information regarding the visit process, uniforms, book packs etc and any questions will endeavour to be answered.
The classroom teacher will (under normal circumstances) contact a child's parent/caregiver by phone to arrange visits at times & days that mutually suit.
The visits occur in school weeks (take into account holidays) 2-3 weeks prior to the child officially commencing school. There are usually 3 visits but a 4th can be added at teacher discretion according to the needs of the child regarding their ability to cope with the transition to school (this is only if deemed necessary and is negotiated between the teacher & parent).
For each school visit the parent(s)/caregiver & child need to be 'signed in' and 'signed out' using the Vistab at the school office.
The child will need a snack for interval at each visit and lunch for the third &/or subsequent visits.
Visit days are discretionary but visit durations are as recommended below:
First visit: 8:45 - 10:30 - parent present to support their child for the duration of the visit.
Second visit: 8:45 - 11:30 - parents are encouraged to leave their child.
Third visit: 8:45 - 1:30 - parents are expected to leave their child.
A longer transition period may be necessary in some circumstances, and if so a child may have some days of reduced duration by negotiation with the teacher in the first month of starting school.
During transition visits the child (and parent, if present) will be included in a variety of activities alongside the children already present in the class.
In an emergency we make every effort to contact parents/caregivers. Please ensure that the school has up to date contact numbers. If you change your address, telephone number or email please let the school office know so our records can be updated.
Hearing and Vision testers from the Ministry of Health visit the school to conduct hearing and vision tests for specific age groups. Children who have difficulties will be noted by them and parents will be notified.
Home Learning
Home Learning is an extension of the school programme and supports, enhances, and consolidates teaching and learning. It provides a positive link between home and school.
- outline expectations, routines, and suggested time requirements for home learning to students and parents at the start of the year
- outline and monitor the use of digital technology in home learning
- set home learning that reflects students’ individual needs and changing ages and stages, and reinforces teaching and learning
- set home learning which considers the key competencies of the New Zealand Curriculum, namely, managing self, relating to others, participating and contributing, thinking, and using language, symbols, and texts
- may select what they give to children for home learning but should include tasks to meet and support the learning needs of children in literacy and numeracy (e.g. spelling/basic facts).
- monitor home learning and provide constructive feedback to students and parents
- ensure students understand their home learning tasks and can work independently, where possible.
- are responsible for their own home learning
- understand their home learning tasks and work as independently as possible.
- encourage and support their children
- provide feedback to the child and the teacher
- communicate with the teacher if their child is unable to complete the home learning, or if family or other circumstances take priority.
Classes visit our school library weekly. Students are able to borrow books to bring home. Please ensure that your child’s books are returned on time. The library is open at lunch times for students to browse books, play games and participate in other activities.
Lost Property
Lost property is kept in a cupboard in the school office. Often the cupboard door is difficult to shut due to the amount of lost property inside it. Please help by ensuring that your child’s property is named.
Newsletters are usually sent out every fortnight. They are an important communication between school and home. The newsletter is published on our website, emailed to all families and is also available through our School App.
Reporting to Parents
All students receive 2 written reports per year, one in June and the other in December. These reports can be viewed on HERO our school learning management system. Parents will have a personal login to access their child/ren’s reports.
School Hours
School is open for students from 8.30 am.
Please note that students are not supervised before 8.30 am and are required to wait at the entrance gates until they are welcomed by a staff member who will ensure that hand sanitizer is applied.
Please ensure your child is at school on time so they are ready to start their learning session at 8.50am.
8:30am - Gates open
8:50am - Learning session 1
10:10am - Morning Tea
10:30am - Learning session 2
12:30pm - Lunch eating time
12:45pm - Play
1:30pm - Learning session 3
2:55pm - School finishes
3:10pm - School grounds clearance bell
During all breaks at least four staff members are rostered on duty, or as we call it "Wā Whanaungatanga". They wear a fluoro vest to be easily visible to children.
School Values
The following five values are incorporated into our school programmes.
Kaitiakitanga - I care for my environment
Whanaungatanga - I am an important part of my community
Manaakitanga - I respect and value others
Māramatanga - I am a hardworking, independent learner
Hauora - I am healthy, positive and unique
School Website
Our school website can be accessed from here: www.rangiora.school.nz
Technology fees:
Yearly fees for Year 7 & 8 are to be paid at the school office or through online banking
The uniform is available from New Zealand Uniforms. They have an online shop and a physical store on Blenheim Road, Christchurch. A physical shop is planned for North Canterbury during 2024.
Sun hats are compulsory in Terms 1 & 4. They are available from the office. If your child has misplaced their hat, please see the office. We also have 'House T-shirts' available at the office. These are worn on Sports Days etc.
Click this link for all information about our new uniform.
We ask that students do not bring valuables to school as we cannot be responsible for any damage or loss. Mobile phones must be handed to the student’s teacher for safekeeping during school hours.
Rangiora Borough School is governed by a Ministry of Education Enrolment Zone. All students who live within the zone are entitled to enrol at Rangiora Borough School. We do have out of zone placement available. Please fill in the the out of zone enrolment form.