Angela Newland — Sep 5, 2022

This year we will be holding two events for the Rangiora Borough Athletics. The first one will be in week 10 of this term which is the Thursday the 29th of September.  This will be open to all year 5 to 8 students who would like to participate in the competition grade events, where they will be attempting to qualify for the Rakahuri competition round. 

The second event will be the whole school House Sports day, (athletics) event. This will be focused around the intention of getting everyone involved. Students will wear their house colours with pride and partake in activities ranging from athletics 'run, jump, throw' events through to team support based activities. Don't worry, for the year 3 and 4's who want to compete, you can make this known on the day and we will ensure to keep results. But for those who want to enjoy the fun day, you can compete for house points, with a brilliant attitude, a big smile and showing the school values. 

The House sports day will be in term 4 on Thursday the 27th of October.

More details will follow regarding the format of the day and start times for your students.