Hero photograph
Photo by Kelly Taylor

Rescheduled Student Led Conferences 2022

Kelly Taylor —

The rescheduled conference dates are ready for booking now.

The rescheduled conferences are now planned for Tuesday 16th August and Thursday 18th August

Afternoon Conference Times - All Classes

Tuesday 2:15pm - 5:30pm (Finish time)

Thursday 2:15pm - 7.30pm  

Please note: School will finish at 2:00pm on Tuesday 16th August and Thursday 18th August for all children

How To Book

  1. Go to School Interviews (www.schoolinterviews.co.nz)

  2. Enter the event code 32jhc

  3. Follow the instructions on the website

If you are unable to access the internet or need help please contact the school office or your child’s class teacher.


How do they work?

Tui 1 to 4 will be goal setting with the teacher as a one on one and we encourage your child to attend as part of the learning partnership.  This will include academic, social and emotional goals.

Ruru, Kōtare, Kākāriki and Ngā Rākau e Rua

Student led conferences will be held in your child’s learning space. 

Please arrive on time to your booking as this is the time that you have booked into meet the homeroom / classroom teacher. 

Each child will have a basic agenda that they will follow:-

  1. Report on progress (half year) and answer any questions from the mid year report.  

  2. Goals and Next Steps learning for Term 3 & 4

  3. Work, strengths and examples that they (student) are proud of

  4. What is easy for me? What is tricky for me? What are my challenges?

  5. What could we do together (student, home and school) to help with this learning?

  6. Other Curriculum Interests (Science, Technology etc)

What will I need to do to support my child?

Before the conference

  • Discuss attendance with any partner/s (if necessary) - each child will run only one conference so all parties need to attend this

  • Book a time and put it in your diary (Details - times, dates etc below)

  • Re-check the Agenda 1 - 6 as prompts

On the Conference Day

  • Come with your child

  • Listen - your child will do most of the talking

  • He or she will discuss with you - progress towards achievement levels (½ year)

 Goals and plans for Term 3 & 4

Your Job

  • Prompt to support your child (if necessary) - use the 1 - 6 agenda

  • Enjoy the opportunity to see your child in his/her key learning environment

  • Celebrate your child’s personal progress to date

Please note

  • The conference is primarily about learning (not behaviour or social issues).  Please contact the classroom / home room teacher if you need a longer slot or a time in private.