Thursday 13 May: Lower and Upper School Day Organisation
Partnership hui will be running from 9am – 5:40 pm, with kaiako meeting whānau during this time.
Because we are holding the interviews all day, we ask that your tamariki be kept at home during that day in order to allow our teachers to focus on giving their full attention to the interviews. Kindy will be running as normal though.
If your child does need to attend school for the day, as no alternative supervision can be arranged, please understand that their usual programme will not be happening. Students will be working as one group in the Lower School and one group in the Upper School with our school specialist teachers supervising for the day. Upper School students have been advised to bring their own study material and course related work.
Please notify Katie Musk by Monday 10 May if your child will be attending school that day so that we can make appropriate arrangements. In the Lower School you might need for your child to attend this ‘holding’ class just for the duration of the interview. Please also notify us if this is the case.