Hero photograph
Photo by Karyn Gray

News from the Proprietors Trust

Clare Goodman —

Farewell to Lesley

After many years with the Proprietors’ Trust, Lesley Waite resigned late last year to continue her studies towards becoming a priest. The Trust formally thanked and farewelled Lesley in December however want to take this opportunity to publicly thank her for the energy and commitment she gave to Raphael House over this time. We will be advertising for a new Trust Manager over the next few months.

New trustees wanted

The Proprietors’ Trust is responsible for overseeing the special character aspects of the school. It is the legal owner of Raphael House and responsible for providing and managing land and buildings for the school and the governing body for the kindergarten.

Trust members are co-opted onto the trust and are committed to Waldolf education and its anthroposophical background. Currently the Trust has five trustees - three parents and two retired Waldolf teachers. We are looking to increase the number of trustees to bring additional (and much needed) expertise to the Trust to help us achieve our strategic goals for Raphael House.

In terms of time commitment, we meet six- eight times a year at Raphael House (or via Zoom) with some work required between meetings.

In particular we’re interested in the following skill sets:

  • Project Management
  • Property Management
  • Building
  • Legal
  • Financial
  • Waldolf education
  • HR/Change management
  • Communications/Marketing
  • Fundraising

If you’re interested in donating your time and skills to give back to the Raphael House community and would be interested in joining us, please send an email outlining why you’re interested and what skills you can bring to Christine Nicholls christinelnicholls@gmail.com