Karyn Gray — Nov 4, 2021

Student Implications

Further to my email to parents on Wednesday, I have had clarification from the Ministry of Education that I am asked to collect COVID vaccination information from all students aged 12 and above. 

As stated on Wednesday we are organising the placements of our Class 10 students for the Community Service Programme which runs from 29 November – 10 December. Some of these providers are unable to accept students who are not vaccinated.

Action Needed- Class 10 Parents

If you have a student in Class 10, could you, please advise me of their vaccination status by completing this form by next Wednesday November 10. If you choose not to share a student's vaccination status with me then I will assume they are not vaccinated and will instruct the staff members organising the placements not to place those students at a location which requires volunteers to be vaccinated. 

For all other students aged 12 and above please complete the form by the end of November.

Student vaccination information remains private and will be stored in a private place on our server with only Principal access. However, I will need to share relevant information with staff doing placements for events such as these listed above.