Karyn Gray — Dec 13, 2021

A huge thanks to everyone involved in getting the Steiner fair website up and running.

Thanks to the committee of Tim Webster, Karen Thrumble, Sarah Glensor Best, Vic Grouden, Carolyn Sherring with support from Jamie Houston, Francis Gallop & Tracey Buick, and huge fresh energy and input for the new "Online Fair" from Jeffry Ghazally, Hannah Howes, Hannah Grainger, Niels Hunefeld and many others.

My apologies if there is someone who I should have mentioned by name and have omitted.

Thank you also to the Class Fair Reps and the parents who made the beautiful items for sale, and helped in so many ways.

This venture has  raised a substantial amount already. An amazing feat especially at this busy time of the year. 

Thanks to everyone involved - we all appreciate you.
