International Students: The Best Thing about Raphael House....
After an almost three yearlong COVID break, we are finally able to welcome international students again at Raphael House. Here is what our five new international students think is the best thing about our school up on the hill:
Johannes (from Germany, Class 10): “I love the view, the nature and the architecture.”
Mira (from Germany, Class 11): “The community of the students and teachers. It’s more relaxed than in my home country.”
Luisa (from Germany, Class 10): "I love how there is so much nature around the school!”
Selina (from China, Class 11): I like the big hill, because walking up it is good exercise for me.”
Marie (from Germany, Class 11): “The connections between students and teachers, there is a bigger understanding about each student and their needs than what I’m used to from my school in Germany. I also like the nature, especially the pine forest.