Hero photograph
Photo by Clare Goodman

PTFA Funding Available

Clare Goodman —

The third round of funding applications is due to close on 8 August.

If you have any ideas for something that could make the school even better then good news. You're not too late! There will be a third funding round in August with applications asked for by August 8th.

If you have any ideas for something that could make the school even better then good news. You're not too late! There will be a third funding round in August with applications asked for by August 8th.

To qualify for consideration the request must meet one/some of the following aims:

● Community building

● Deepening Te Ao Maori/Te Reo.

● Support Special Character.

If you have any questions or would like support in completing the application form (below) please contact PTFAcommittee@gmail.com

We look forward to hearing from you