Hero photograph
Photo by Karyn Gray

Term Two Welcome

Karyn Gray —

I hope you all had an enjoyable time with your young people over the last two weeks. I would just like to take this opportunity to say welcome back to Term 2. Students and teachers alike have returned refreshed and ready for the term ahead.

Just another plea to please take the time to read the Bush Telegraph each Friday. We are trying to ensure it is our primary means of communication to avoid you all getting multiple emails - which is something your feedback told us you would like reduced. However the communication only works if it is read. 

As an example the information about Easter Tuesday was in emails and the Bush Telegraph from the beginning of the year but we did still have students turn up to school. 

The information about Partnership Hui (you may have previously referred to these as parent interviews or conferences) was sent out in April - if you missed this at the end of last term, please ensure you go back and read it .

Thanks everyone

Karyn, on behalf of all staff