Introducing Geoff
Class 6 Kaiako
Ko Geoff Heath toku ingoa
I guess I was doomed to be a teacher. As a child I recall swearing that I would never be a teacher after my father – a teacher - had to tell off my friend John David (name changed to avoid any embarrassment or connection – you never know – he’ll be out there somewhere).
I really love being a teacher and especially love taking my particularly wonderful Class 6, even though they are starting to make polite comments about my dress sense.
I believe in building the will through outdoor classroom activities and have a particular fondness for beekeeping. I also love music and bringing that to children in ways that are harmonising and therapeutic.
I love the continuity of a full Waldorf school. My first class was the current Class 12 when they started in Class 1 and now many of them look down at me!
E noho rā