Hero photograph
Photo by Clare Goodman

Classified - Outside Raphael House 16 April 2021

Clare Goodman —

Hi there if anyone has a half size violin at home collecting dust that they would be willing to lend or sell to my daughter learning violin please email me annieboanas@gmail.com.

HOME NEEDED - We are a family who are moving to Wellington from Australia and are looking for a four bedroom home.  If you hear or have anything that you think might suit, please ring Alison and Edgar on 027 252 9099. 


Scholarship students of Arohanui Strings, accompanied by Calvin Scott 

3:00 Sunday 18 April, Eurythmy Hall, Raphael House.  Everyone welcome!  

The Christian Community – A Movement for Religious Renewal

In each of the regions around New Zealand, Christian Community events are held for services and social gatherings.

The Movement was founded in 1922 following a request to Rudolf Steiner by the theologians and seminary students who sought renewed practice, free from dogma, for the Christianity of the future.

Sacraments are held to mark life’s significant occasions, from baptism, confirmation through to funeral services. A Communion service,”The Act of Consecration of Man” may also include the main festivals of the year. A beautiful, short children’s service is held at the request of parents.

Although we do not yet have a resident priest, we expect a visit for the greater Wellington area approximately six times a year, held in Lower Hutt. There is opportunity for people enquiring about forth-coming events and activities to contact the members whose names and phone numbers are listed below; it may interest those among us looking for a freer expression and answers to questions relevant to the 21st century.

You may be interested in simply receiving our mail-outs and notifications, in which case please contact our local Secretary, Catherine, at hayes.catherine@gmail.com. You are also invited to call either Janet (021 0258 9197) or Tessa (021 105 9566) for a phone conversation or to arrange to meet for coffee and more information.