Hero photograph
Photo by Katie Musk

40 New Te Reo/Te Ao Māori Books for our Kura

Ngā Rito Group —

We wanted to let you all know that with your help we were able to purchase 40 Te Reo/Te Ao Māori books for our kura!!!

Tēnā koutou e te whānau o Te Whare o Rapera,
Thank you to all of those who supported our movie fundraiser back in September, when we watched the movie “Whina” at Petone Lighthouse. The books you helped purchase through our movie fundraiser have all arrived!Some of these books were destined to the school library for the tamariki to access. These have been catalogued and are ready for borrowing!

Some of these books were "wished" by teachers and these made their way to the staff library.

We hope that these books will support our kaiako and the tamariki in their reo journeys, informing and inspiring their teaching and learning!

With much gratitude to all of those that supported this little fundraiser and the kaupapa behind it!


Ngā Rito Group