Hero photograph
Photo by Clare Goodman

An Unexpected Bonus

Clare Goodman —

An update from your PTFA

The PTFA is sure you will all agree 2020 was a tough year all round, including for our school. As a result our school has had to tighten its 'belt’. You will also remember the great fundraising result the school fair achieved at the end of last year. This fundraising result now means the PTFA is in a position to support the school in a unique way.

Approved funding requests

Taking into consideration the exceptional circumstances of the 2020 year the PTFA approved a funding request to provide each school year group (from years 1-12) with a one-off payment of $500. It is envisioned these funds will be used by each year group to enhance and consolidate the key learnings of Raphael House Main Lesson and other core subjects to the benefit of our children.

The unique funding for each year group is being allocated to Class Teachers from Classes 1 to 7, and Sponsor Teachers from Classes 8 to 12. The exciting part is how and what to spend the $500 on is being left to the Class Teacher and Sponsors’ discretion.

The PTFA has asked Class Teachers and Sponsors to let it know how each class year uses its $500 once spent before November 2021 and what a difference it made in the lives of our children. We will let you know the results!

Other funding approved in the first round of decisions for 2021 was the application of $3000 for new instruments for the Lower School and a larger and improved Lower School sandpit.

Lastly, a couple of nudges from your friendly hardworking PTFA:

Don’t be shy in joining us – our school would benefit from greater numbers (and diversity) of parents, friends and teachers on the PTFA and from more heads deciding what proposals should be allocated funding to help our school be a better place for our tamariki. What’s holding you back?

Remember to put your funding proposals in for our second (and final for 2021) funding proposal round. Please fill in the application form found in https://drive.google.com/file/d/1NHCop7PIBBtGyR4omeUzgMU8MHtGBd-k/view and email your completed form to karen.thrumble@gmail.com. The date for submission is Monday 10th May 2021 with proposals reviewed by the PTFA on Tuesday 18th May 2021. Note: the PTFA reserves the right to ask for additional information from funding proposers.