Karyn Gray — Mar 24, 2022

Student - Parent - Teacher Focus

While we had originally planned to have a schoolwide Partnership Hui (previously known as Parent Teacher Interviews) late in Term 1, we made the decision to move these to early Term 2 because of both the COVID restrictions and the absence of a range of students and staff in Term 1.

Partnership Hui will be held in Week 3 of Term 2. 

Wednesday, 18 May - 3.30pm to 7.00pm 

Thursday, 19 May - 8.30am to 4pm

We wanted to give you prior notice of the dates, and will give you more information about the format and how you can book, at the start of Term 2.

On Thursday May 19 we will be asking for students who are aged 14 and above to work from home for the day on learning that will be set by their teachers the day before.

For students under 14 we would love it if some students can be supervised at home for the day to allow teachers to participate in all the Partnership Hui. However for children that cannot be safely at home there will be supervision available at school.