Hero photograph
Photo by Clare Goodman

A Reminder from your PTFA

Clare Goodman —

A heads up to put your funding proposals in for the PTFA’s second (and final for 2021) funding proposal round.

The application form can be found in https://drive.google.com/file/d/1NHCop7PIBBtGyR4omeUzgMU8MHtGBd-k/view. Email your completed form to ptfacommittee@gmail.com.

The final date for submission is Monday 10th May 2021 with proposals reviewed by the PTFA on Tuesday 18th May 2021.

Note: the PTFA reserves the right to ask for additional information from funding proposers. Please also be aware not all funding proposals may get accepted.

The PTFA is going to continue reminding you not to be shy in joining us – our school would benefit from greater numbers (and diversity) of parents, friends and teachers on the PTFA and from more heads deciding what proposals should be allocated funding to help our school be a better place for our tamariki. Anything holding you back?