Hero photograph
Photo by Katie Musk

Strategic Planning Consultation

Karyn Gray —

The current charter for the school finishes this year and it is time for the Board to begin the process of creating a new Strategic Plan for the next few years. Part of this process includes consultation opportunities with the community.

Phase A 

Gathering some data from small surveys you can complete in 5 minutes. Participate in as many or as few as you select.

The topics at this stage are really broad and high level. We get into more specific thinking in Phase B of the consultation which will be held in July and August with face to face opportunities.

Thanks to those who have contributed to the consultation over the last five weeks. In case you have missed any of the opportunities they are repeated again below. Please note the link for each survey is the name of the survey. This data will be collated during the school holiday break so please complete any surveys you would like to by next Friday July 8.

Week 4 - Purpose of School and Elements of a Steiner Education

Week 5 - Strengths and Opportunities

Week 6 - Success

Week 7 - Futures Thinking

Week 8 - Raphael House Specific Purpose and Elements