Hero photograph
Photo by Katie Musk

Class 12 Camp

Katie Musk —

Choppy seas and whistling wind saw us off to a small, isolated island for a much needed escape from deadlines and other daily demands.

Following exam week, and the finalisation of portfolios, the Class 12 students spent a week at Matiu Somes, where they reflected on the past, found strength in the present, and sought inspiration for the future.

This camp marks the end of school days. It is the very last school camp and an opportunity to reflect on and celebrate what has been, for the Class as whānau, and the years spent together. It is also for each individual to consider what is to come, all the while looking out on the world from Matiu Somes Island, surrounded by Wellington and the future, but also still separated from it.

Workshops and group sharing were punctuated by downtime where the students could switch off and enjoy each other’s company. There were cards, puzzles, ball gowns, and painting aplenty. The camp concluded with a special treat; a panoramic view of the full moon in the west, and a beautiful sunrise in the east.

But it was not the activities or the location that made this camp memorable; it was the wonderful nature of the Class 12 students and the incredible gifts that had to share just by being present. Their wonderful sense of community and their care for each other has definitely left a lasting impression.

Onward to the Class 12 play – we wish them all the best for this final milestone in the Class 12 journey.