Hero photograph
Photo by Karyn Gray

Partnership Hui

Karyn Gray —

A reminder that partnership Hui will be held in Week 3 of Term 2.

Wednesday, 18 May - 3.30pm to 7.00pm

Thursday, 19 May - 8.30am to 4pm

On Thursday May 19 we will be asking for students who are aged 14 and above to work from home for the day on learning that will be set by their teachers the day before.

However Class 10 students are still expected at school as they will be in the last minute preparations for their play performance in Week 4.

For students under 14 we would love it if some students can be supervised at home for the day to allow teachers to participate in all the Partnership Hui. However for children that cannot be safely at home there will be supervision available at school. If your child will need supervision at school on that day could you please let Marcelly know by emailing marcelly.r@raphaelhouse.school.nz  by Friday May 13 so that we can ensure we have an appropriate amount of adults' present to supervise them.

When partnership hui were planned last term the current COVID restrictions meant we planned for them to be be online. We have decided to remain with this and keep the hui online. Although we could technically run them face to face it just feels safer to have them online rather than to have a continual stream of different people in classrooms and the Eurythmy Room. 

The booking system will be available for you to select a time and you will receive a link to this by separate email from Clare on Monday. You will get an online link from each teacher you book a time with emailed directly to you on the days before the hui.

Please note that unfortunately hui for Class 8 will not be happening on these dates due to the unavailability of some teachers. A separate email will be sent home to Class 8 parents on Monday explaining this further. A different date will be set for Class 8 partnership hui within the next month. Class 8 students will still have work they can do independently on that day as other teachers will be in partnership hui and unavailable to supervise them. If they are under 14 and need supervision at school (or over 14 but you would prefer supervision at school) please let Marcelly know, as above and they will be put into the supervision groups for the day.

Learning journeys/reports for Classes 1-7 and 9-12 will be sent home before the partnership hui so that the partnership hui conversation can be centered around these, (Class 8's will be sent home in a few weeks time before their partnership hui).