Irene Cheung — May 22, 2024

A Platform for Young Minds to Explore Science, Technology, Math, and Engineering through Fun and Creative Competition

This week five teams of ākonga-students participated in the annual House of Science STEM Challenge, this is an exciting event where participants showcased their skills and knowledge of STEM topics. They faced both physical and mental challenges, such as crafting a car from wood and cardboard to race across a table.

One challenge in the Year 8/9 competition involved determining the value of X in a right-angled triangle with an angle of 27 degrees. And solving this BEDMAS patai-question: (7^2 + (3^2 + 2))/6 = ? Participants eagerly put their math and geometry skills to the test, demonstrating their problem-solving abilities.  If this wasn't enough to break out into a sweaty mess, subsequent questions like: "Radio and television waves, microwaves, infrared rays, visible light, ultraviolet light, x-rays and gamma rays are all examples of what type of magnetism?" could have done it!

Throughout the event, ākonga embraced the opportunity to engage with peers from various schools, sparking friendly competition and collaboration. The atmosphere buzzed with creativity and innovation as young minds came together to explore the wonders of STEM.

Ka mau te wehi to:

Raphael House Kupe: 

Class 9: Noah, Casper, Ivo & Naiya 

RH 1- Class 11/12:  Noah, Flynn, Max & sage

RH 2 - Class 11/12: Sophie, Willow, Lola, Summer