Hero photograph
Photo by Irene Cheung

Lower School Mihi Whakatau

Irene Cheung —

We welcomed three new kaiako to the the Lower School this week.

The Lower School, gathered in the well-ventilated Eurythmy room, to welcome Jonas Koukl and Nancy Fulford (class 3 kaiako) and Jenn Causer (Class 1 transition kaiako) to Raphael House.

Following on from the mihi whakatau, Jonas, who is a music therapist, taught the Lower School a circle dance and accompanying waiata.

This is definitely something that everybody involved, thoroughly enjoyed.  It was incredible to see a skilled practitioner being able to hold over 100 ākonga and kaiako engaged and focused on this activity.

Being able to connect together, with music and dance, filled our wairua.  It was a lovely reminder of what we have been missing from our school rhythm for so long.  We look forward to many more opportunities to connect like this.