Hero photograph
Photo by Clare Goodman

2021 Term 2 Partnership Hui

Irene Cheung —

Wednesday 12 May (afternoon) and Thursday 13 May (all day)

Kaiako have been working alongside akonga this week to capture their goals and aspirations for the year.  These thoughts as well as goals for your tamariki's learning journey will be discussed at next week's Partnership Hui.  If you haven't already done so, please click on the links below to make an appointment to meet your tamariki's kaiako. 

Steps for Parent Hui Interviews

You can make your bookings on-line by following the instructions below:

Go to:   www.schoolinterviews.co.nz

  • Enter the event code - Lower School: dwadt Upper School: yevdf

Enter your information and the time you would like as prompted.

You should receive an email confirmation.

Please note, if you have children in both the Upper School and Lower School you will need to book these individually using the codes above.

Interview Bookings will close on Sunday night 9 May at 8 pm.

If you are unable to make a booking on-line please email the teacher concerned and ask them to make the booking for you. The teachers’ email addresses are in the Parents’ Handbook.

To avoid disappointment please book early. We encourage all students from Class 7 upwards to attend the interviews with their parents. We look forward to seeing you all at the interviews.