Irene Cheung — Jun 2, 2022

Last night we had an online screening of the documentary: "Our Kids Online: Porn, Predators & How to Keep Them Safe".

This documentary debunked the myth of "Not my kid" with regards to mobile phone and device usage by our tamariki and rangatahi and the types of sites that they are accessing. It also examined the impact of unfiltered and unmonitored mobile/devise usage by our tamariki/rangatahi.

So, what are the stats in NZ?

In December 2018, the Office of Film and Literature Classification released the 'NZ Youth on Porn' Report. They interviewed more than 2,000 NZ teens between the ages of 14-17 years old.

With regard to the dangers around online predators, Netsafe revealed some statistics around youth interaction with online strangers in December 2019 in their report 'New insight into Kiwi Kids' online interaction with people they don't know'. Below are some of the findings from those reports:

Image by: Irene Cheung

If you find this concerning, then please come and hear Rob Cope & Zareen Sheikh-Cope (the documentary-makers) speak on Thursday 9th June @7pm in the Eurythmy Room. 

They will be presenting a two hour interactive information evening designed to help any adults with children in their lives gain a better understanding of some of the harms our children face in the online world, how social media and being switched on 24/7 affects brain development and emotional resilience.

Rob and Zareen will also provide some practical solutions to make our kids online experiences safer and explain how we can disconnect to reconnect.

This valuable presentation is not just limited to Lower School whānau. We hope all interested whānau across the school community will attend.

There will be a repeat online screening of the documentary on Monday 6th June @ 8pm, for those whānau who missed on last night's screening.  A link will be sent out in a school wide email today.