Hero photograph
Photo by Katie Musk

Board Donation Pledge Report

Katie Musk —

Thank you for the donations which have been paid to the school, and continue to be paid for the 2021 school year.

As you are aware, each year we carefully budget against your pledged donations and rely on the pledged amounts being received in full, by the end of the school year.    At the end of Term 2, families across the whole school have paid 22% of the total Special Character pledge.    This figure is lower than expected, considering we are half way through the year.  

If you have funds sitting in your Kindo account, please do remember to allocate them against your donations.   If you are yet to make payments, and are in the position to do so, we would very much appreciate it.   Setting up regular automatic payments could be a way to balance the amount over the remaining 5 months of the school year.  

If you would like to discuss your pledge or need some help with Kindo, please do get in touch. 

Please see below graphs which show a breakdown of pledges received for the different areas school.