Irene Cheung — Aug 18, 2022

The rousing cry of Valhalla Rising reverberated through Class 4, signaling the end of their Thor Triumphant play.

The hours of practice (over two weeks!), costume design, and battles through sickness all paid off this week for Class 4's play.

Lower School classes and whānau were transported to the Norse mythical world of Viking gods.  This play is a culmination of the mahi experienced in the Class 4 Main Lesson on Norse mythology.

The comedic timing, casting of characters, utilisation of musical talent was perfect.  Class 4 under the masterful guidance of their teacher, Tanya, definitely put their mark on this classic tale.

He tino pai rawa atu Ākomanga Wha.  This was a  wonderful way to feed our wairua, as we make our way through a very wet week!