Bush Telegraph, 1 March 2024
Inside this edition:
Marcelly Ribeiro
Next Tuesday 19 (Lower and Upper School) and Wednesday 20 March (Kindy)
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Kathleen Russell
As you may have heard, Wellington City Rudolf Steiner Kindergarten's amazing head teacher and center manager Louise is leaving the kindergarten after 20 years to spend time with family and look after her (very lucky!) grandchildren.
‘Achieving the Just and the Good’ Talk by Ian Kircher
We would love to find a new carer (or two)
Class 9 recently completed their Tongariro National Park Camp with a focus on the Geology of the area.
Class 12 have returned from a fantastic camp on Whanganui River this week.
Last week the PTFA held their first meeting for 2024.
Dear community, we are reaching our feelers out to those of you, who are interested in hosting our international students from overseas.
Don't miss out on the opportunity to snaffle yourself a native seedling donated to us by the lovely Marlene, grandparent to Lilian from Kindergarten.
Taruna College with endorsement from the Anthroposophic Nurse Association in NZ (ANANZ) is very excited to offer this course again in 2024.
Looking for a fun teacher to introduce the joy of music to your child?
Please check your email and spam folders to take our 2-minute survey.
Hey, my name is Toby! I'm from Class 8 and for my Class 8 Project I am making a garden at the school in the Upper School below the music room.
Terrence will be joining Class 9 for term 2 and 3 2024.
We are a family from Te Ra School looking to move to Raphael House. Our family is looking for a house in Lower Hutt or a home close to Raphael House.
Our NEXT Learn to Row programme starts on Sunday 17 March at 9:30am.
It has come to our attention recently that a number of students have been using the buses who are not eligible to,
Tanya Zanetti
Have you ever wondered what your tamariki get up to at lunchtime? Here is your opportunity to find out! Whaanau, you are invited to join us for lunch once a term.
Karyn Gray
The Proprietors' Trust is looking for a new Trustee with building expertise to support the ongoing maintenance and growth of the land and buildings at Raphael House. This is a governance role with a key focus of providing support and advice for the Raphael House Property team.
Travel from Maungaraki
We are an iconic organic shop in Hastings, Hawkes Bay, and it's time for us to pass our long-standing business on to someone else as it's the end of an era for us and maybe the start of a new era for someone else!
Some rights reserved Raphael House Rudolf Steiner School , 2024