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Photo by Admin

Extending Students

Admin —

We recognise that many students have gifts and talents that can be further developed both at home and school. For children who may need extending in their learning programme the classroom teacher will provide opportunities for extension within the context of the classroom programme.

Children may display gifts and talents in a range of areas; academically, intellectually, socially, physically or emotionally. At Te Raekura Redcliffs School each year we strive to provide additional opportunities for children to be extended. All children achieve best when they are happy, motivated and engaged in their learning.
Extension opportunities at Te Raekura Redcliffs School regularly include a range of the following:

  • Classroom ability grouping and interchanges
  • A wide range of Sports teams, tournaments and competitions throughout the year
  • Leadership opportunities: school leaders; house captains;  kapa haka and choir leaders; road patrol; buddy systems; peer mediators; librarians.
  • Redcliffs News film crew
  • Rock bands
  • Kapa haka
  • Choir
  • Cantamath Teams
  • Mathematics extension class
  • AV technicians
  • EPro8 STEM teams
  • Creative Writing extension class
  • Photography extension class
  • Visual art extension class
  • Major school production (script writing group, dance, drama, music, technical)
  • Leadership training
  • Cluster IT tech-fest
  • Musical instrument lessons
  • Singing Tutoring
  • Jump Jam dance class
  • French classes

Some groups are formed by self-selection, other classes are for students identified by teachers, using defined selection criteria.