Admin — Mar 8, 2022

Keen to join the BoT?? Your school board is made up of eight trustees, including five parent representatives, the Principal, and an elected staff representative.

Trustee elections are held every three years with the next election being in September this year. Several of our members have been on the Board for quite a few years now, and will be standing down in September. We would like to welcome any parent who is interested in standing for election to learn more. You are welcome to join a meeting, usually held on the third Monday of each month.

If you are interested in governance, joining your school board of trustees is an excellent way to further your experience. Board responsibilities include student achievement, finance, property, personnel matters, policy review and development and all matters relating to the effective governance of the school. As a governing role, board members support and provide advice to the Principal, who is responsible for operational matters.

Your school board has, in recent years, helped our kura through some pretty challenging times, successfully returning us to Redcliffs and governing the school through this pandemic. If you’d like to pick up the mantle, please speak to a current board member or contact the office for details.