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Photo by Admin

Kapa haka t-shirts

Admin —

On Sunday 12th March at 12:30pm, our kapa haka group (our whole school) are invited to perform at Club Redcliffs Open Day/Street Party. If you have a kapa haka t-shirt we would love you to wear it. If not, please wear your red school polo shirt.

Club Redcliffs Bowling Club are having a street party/open day where they are very kindly sharing their proceeds with our school. It's a really kind thing to do as they are doing most of the organising. They are really hoping that we can support by attending for a couple of hours and there's lots for children to do.

We have a very limited supply of kapa haka t-shirts in our second hand uniform stock. Otherwise they can be ordered online or purchased directly from Mainland Uniforms (Peterborough Street).