Hero photograph
Earthquake Anniv
Photo by Pauline Prescott

February 22nd Earthquake Anniversary

Matua Nick —

Thank you to the parents and caregivers who provided a flower for their child to place at our flagpole on Friday.

Our students showed maturity and respect as they marked this occasion by placing their flower(s). Thanks to class/hub teachers for supporting our tamariki through this.

A further thank you to the parents who provided the flowering plants and the pot plant. These will be used to brighten our indoor and outdoor spaces.

On Sunday evening, Prime Television aired the documentary “Help Is On The Way” a story of the Kiwi ingenuity and bravery that resulted in 36 people being rescued from the upper floors of the 26-storey Hotel Grand Chancellor. This is available on demand if you are interested and missed this. NB the classification for the documentary is not currently available on Prime’s website. You may wish to view the documentary yourself to determine whether you feel it is suitable for your children to view.