Matariki Celebration Day 2021
Lynda Selwood - June 30, 2021
The day will start with a Matariki activities in Houses (rotation). After morning tea the Seniors will be helping the Juniors making their kites (Seniors will have completed their kites earlier in the week).
We will then have shared kai in the school hall at 12pm. We also have kai that has been grown in our own māra (garden). Tamariki will need to bring along a cup for some soup made with ingredients from the garden.
Kite flying course on the court after lunch pack up.
The day will finish with an assembly in the hall at 2.15pm, including Book Week awards and Kapa Haka groups performance.
At 2.45/50pm the bell will be rung on the court for the end of term.
We would like to invite our Redwood whānau to our Celebration Day. You are welcome to share kai with your tamariki/mokopuna in the hall and join in with the various activities run throughout the day.
If you are interested in learning more about Matariki and the 9 stars, here is some information you might like to read.
Lynda Selwood