Hero photograph
Parent Workshop
Photo by Pauline Prescott

Parent Education Workshop: Building Our Kids’ Resilience

Matua Nick —

Wednesday 4 March - We are excited to be able to provide our community with a parent education opportunity facilitated by Anna Mowat and Dean Sutherland from Real Parents.

Anna worked with our staff recently at our Staff Only Days where she shared strategies to support children to build resilience using the Sparklers from the All Right? campaign.

Anna is an engaging presenter and was able to share a wealth of knowledge around anxiety, well-being and resilience. She has kindly agreed to present a parent education workshop around these themes for parents of Redwood students.

The Workshop:

Anna and Dean have some “most loved” topics and this is one of them!

In this dynamic and interesting workshop they’ll take you through:

• What is ‘resilience’?

• Some resilience self-reflection - how we know we are resilient?

• Getting through those moments when we need to call upon our resilience

• Things we can do to help build our own – and our children’s - resilience

Suits parents of: All Ages, and the workshop is designed for parents or teachers.

When and Where:

Wednesday 4th March @ Redwood School


Our presenters:

Anna Mowat

Anna works as part of everything she loves including:

The All Right? campaign, particularly All Right Parenting. Anna is also the lead for Sparklers.

The Kākano app project supporting parents to help their kids work out those big and tricky emotions (a current research project led by CDHB and University of Auckland)

Being a trainer for the cool team at New Zealand Institute of Wellbeing and Resilience

And especially working with parents as a facilitator of Incredible Years and parent coach

Anna’s background is in psychology and English. She is currently working on developing a growth mindset around her skiing. Not easy when her three children are so keen to tell her how terrible she is at it…(sigh!)

Dean Sutherland

Dean’s big deal is all things communication. He walks this talk (hehe!) by:

Being a real-live speech-language therapist

Talking endlessly about it as a senior lecturer at the University of Canterbury.

Facilitating Incredible Years and specifically tailored workshops to support parents to connect with their kids through the gentle art of communication

Dean has also accumulated over 20 years experience as a communicating parent to 3 children.

Please follow this link to the whanau section of the Sparklers page for a range of great parenting resources in the meantime.

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