Hero photograph
Photo by Pauline Prescott

Easter Raffle


Kia ora/Hello Parents/Whanau. You may remember that the PTA team collected food items back in March, through the school, to put together as our Easter Hamper Raffle prizes.

This is a very successful annual fundraiser for Redwood School.  Unfortunately the outbreak of Covid-19 and the lock down has badly affected the plan to sell tickets and draw this raffle.

We now have the green light to go ahead with collecting raffle tickets and money with the aim of doing the prize draw next week.  We appreciate that with the passing of time you may have misplaced your ticket, so if you have please let the office know as soon as possible (office@redwoodprimary.school.nz) and replacement tickets will be sent home via your children.

Please note some of the items in the prize hampers will be outside their 'best before' June date, but we will give prize winners all the items and winners can choose to do with those items as they please.

We would greatly appreciate if you could please hand in your raffle tickets and money to the office no later than 3pm Wednesday 10 June.  We will have the raffle drawn Friday 12 June.  We look forward to your continuing support.

Redwood School PTA