Redwood Primary School — Apr 29, 2020

Room 15, Year 5 & 6 Teacher & Paerangi Leader | Board of Trustees Staff Representative

Allyce Graduated from University of Canterbury in 2007, with a Bachelor of Arts Majoring in Classical Studies. After this she went on to do her OE travelling across the United Kingdom and Europe before returning home. She then graduated from Christchurch College of Education with a Graduate Diploma in Teaching and Learning in 2011. She began her teaching career as a year 1/2 teacher at a small rural school in Cust before joining the Redwood staff in 2015 as a year 4/5/6 teacher.

In her spare time Allyce loves spending time with family and friends, and her cat Cody. She also has a passion for travelling, having recently visited the United Kingdom and Hawaii as well as travelling across the United States.