Hero photograph
Te tangata, te tangata, te tangata
Photo by Pauline Prescott

The people count most… te tangata, te tangata, te tangata! Our great team!!!

John Stackhouse —

For all the planning and focus on our school’s physical rebuild it is actually the building up of people that is most important. It is the strength of our tamariki, kaiako/teachers, kaiawhina/support staff and whanau/family support that are really keys to Redwood School’s future success.

We have an extremely hard-working staff at Redwood School. New staff and existing staff have blended together to form a formidable teaching team and I, as Principal, am very proud to say they all have a heart for doing the best we can as a team to support our tamariki. Many parents would have picked up on this during this week’s interviews and enrolments.

The school has a very positive vibe with a proactive Board of Trustees and very supportive PTA. Our tamariki have a very supportive network of people in the school to bring about great learning and development. This is crucial if, as our motto says, we want our tamarilki to be ‘ready for life’. We are a team, teams that are together bring the best results.

Nearly all our staffroom visitors comment on the inclusive and welcoming staff. I often ask our visitors, can you tell by watching at morning tea who our support staff or relief teachers are? Their reply is always no, they can’t tell. That is a real indicator that we all work together and as a team we highly value each member of our team.