Megan Lowe — Feb 10, 2020

If you have not yet received your statement, please email: and Megan Lowe will sort that for you.

Activity contribution $60

Swimming (2 week programme later in the year) contribution $60

Single student donation $120

Family (2 or more students) donation $180

Hoiho/Pukeko Camp (Rms 11, 12, 19, 20) contribution $60

Tui/Kea Camp (Rms 15, 16, 17, 18) contribution $130

To help with budgeting you may wish to make regular payments to school.  A suggested amount is $5 per week, per Junior student; $10 per week, per Senior student.  This amount will cover all contributions/donations by the end of the year.

Our bank account number is: Redwood Primary School 12 3149 0297862 00.  Please include your child's name and reason for payment as a reference.