Hero photograph
Community Notices
Photo by Pauline Prescott

Lots happening here ...

Pauline Prescott —

Keep up to date with what's happening in our community

Update from Christchurch City Council:

Main North Road bus priority project update - May 2019 We’re getting in touch to update you on timeframes for this project, which was approved by the Council in October 2018. You can view the plans at ccc.govt.nz/HaveYourSay.

Please find link here regarding providing more information: https://cccgovtnz.cwp.govt.nz/the-council/consultations-and-submissions/haveyoursay/show/87

Construction is planned to last four months from July–November 2019. Detailed design is now complete, and we expect to appoint a contractor in June.

Improvements include:

- A full-time bus lane running north from Winston Avenue to Grassmere Street.

- A signalised intersection at Grassmere Street.

- Walking and biking improvements.

- Layout change to the Northlands Shopping Centre car park entrance.

- More trees on Main North Road

Find your Groove with Anna Lee School of Dance

A fun and supportive environment with an emphasis on enjoyment ensures students feel comfortable as the learn. Dance classes are tailored for pre-schoolers through to advanced students and all levels of commitment.

ALSD offers classes in ballet, jazz, hip hop and contemporary and prides itself in providing a very high standard of technical teaching that enables students to sit exams and medal tests if they wish.

Classes available at 116 Sawyers Arms Road, Papanui. Enrolments are being taken now.

Phone 354 6228 or email office@annaleeschoolofdance.co.nz


Introducing Core Pilates & Mind.  A boutique pilates studio offering both mat work and reformer classes in a small group setting.  We are passionate about creating a supportive community at our studio...and we are so excited to meet you!.  Book your trial - The ultimate transformation 2 weeks trial $51, save 50%.  Contact 027 500 7095, jodikoster@corepilatesandmind.com or corepilatesandmind.com

Social English - This is our new friendly relaxed group for people learning English as a second language: Run by and located at Papanui Baptist Freedom Trust - 144 Sawyers Arms Rd, Papanui, Christchurch. Join us for English speaking and listening study on practical everyday topics such as giving and receiving invitations, making appointments, returning goods to shops and much more. Coffee, conversation, morning tea & childcare provided. Fridays 10.00am - 11.30am during primary school terms. $2 per week. No need to commit long-term. Our team running this group have experience living in different cultures and can relate to the challenges you might have. Everybody welcome! Any questions contact Damian Ardell, Community Worker, email: papbapfreedom@gmail.com or phone 027 35 333 23 or visit papbap.org.nz/freedom-trust

Musical production Living the Dream is being held on 1st, 2nd and 3rd of August 2019, in the 500 seat Auditorium at the McFaddens Centre, 64 Mc Faddens Road Christchurch.  Ticket prices from $10 (excluding ticketing fees).

Local composer Tony Norriss has written a Musical “Living the Dream”. Tony has intended this musical as his gift to the city, after the earthquakes and recent events. The musical is loosely based on the prodigal son story. It is written to be totally non-religious, but it does focus on the underlying themes of compassion, reconciliation, and acceptance. Here is a link to the 2 minute promo video for the musical. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hthSjnX1M6w

The facebook page is: www.livingthedream.net.nz It is contemporary music of various styles, and is mainly song, and video content. The production includes great local talent. See below the lead singer, Michele Ducray, singing one of her original songs to give you an idea of the level we are aiming for: https://www.facebook.com/Livingthedreammusical/videos/640775096393372/

The Belfast Community Network and Robbie Drew presents ... The Golden Years of Music, featuring songs from Neil Diamond, Doctor Hook, Roy Orbison, Bee Gees, Englebert, Tom Jones, The Hollies, Everly Brothers.  Come to an afternoon of nostalgia with Robbie Drew.  Refreshments available.  Thursday 20 June 12pm at The Belfast Bowling Club.  Tickets $5 each, NO DOOR SALES.  Doors open 11.30am. Contact Ashleigh 03 323 9731 to purchase tickets.

Belfast Junior Rugby Camp - Tue 16 to Thu 18 July, 9am - 4pm at the Belfast Rugby Club Rooms $35 per day (snacks included).  All 6-14 year olds welcome (including those without rugby experience).  Register at www.belfastrugby.co.nz.  Enquiries to juniorsbrfc@gmail.com

StarJam is a fun, creative and positive not-for-profit that is changing the way New Zealanders view disability by helping young people with disabilities unleash their potential through musical performance.
We believe anything is possible and our weekly music based workshops support Jammers (young people living with a disability aged 6 – 25) to discover their unique talents, in their own way and time.
We are looking for more Jammers to join our Rangiora Dynamite Dancers (Wednesday night) and Belfast Dazzling Dance (Monday night) 6.30 to 8.00 during the school terms.
To express an interest please email christchurch@starjam.org or ring 021 782 766