Hero photograph
Redwood School
Photo by Pauline Prescott

School Rebuild/Redevelopment… another update

John Stackhouse —

This really has been a frustrating process. Just as well we know that although nice teaching spaces will be great, it’s the quality of what goes on inside them that is most important!

The tamariki and community in Redwood are very fortunate to have such a great team of teachers/kaiako and support staff/kaiawhina working in the school.

The old saying that ‘patience is a virtue’ has had to be applied by Board, Principal, staff and community at Redwood School with regard to our redevelopment. We have worked hard behind the scenes to get the best school redevelopment/rebuild deal we can for our tamariki and community. We are very aware that decisions made now will impact the community and its tamariki for many years to come.

Now, with the latest timeline update from the Ministry of Education, it looks like our rebuild/redevelopment originally scheduled for end of 2017 will actually begin in 2019.

We will keep you up to date regarding the school redevelopment on a regular basis. Keep and eye out for opportunities to have input to this, starting later this term, as we develop more detailed plans.