Kate Norman — Aug 1, 2019

This term our students will be focusing on the value - “BE RESPONSIBLE”. This is a perfect opportunity to link what the children are learning at school with your expectations at home. The power of us working together to develop children who are able to be responsible can’t be underestimated!!

The focus at school has been about everyone taking personal responsibility for doing their BEST! (Better Every Single Time) This may be on the sports field, doing school work, or making their own bed.

The focus has also been on being responsible for belongings. With the chilly winter months now underway we have been discussing how the students can be responsible for their uniform. This includes wearing it correctly and not leaving their uniform lying around.

Being responsible for belongings could also mean them taking responsibility for toys and jobs at home, making sure they put things away and using them responsibly.

Children will learn best if we work together - these are all skills that will set them up to be amazing adults, so it’s worth putting the time into teaching them now.

Good luck!

Kate Norman

PB4L Tier One Leader