Hero photograph
Book Week
Photo by Pauline Prescott

Book Week

Theresa Pearson & Sandra Matai —

Thank you all so much for a very successful Book Week/Book Fair.

Congratulations to the winners of the Book Week competitions.

Colouring-in Bookmark for Whakatipu

Boy's winner was Johnathan C (R2)  

Girl's winner was Amelia P (R7)

"Guess the Teacher Hiding Behind the Book" Photo Competition:

Sophie P (R17)

Design a Bookmark Competition

Boy's winner: Callum L (R17) 

Girl's winner: Sienna Y (R17)

The character Dress up day was so much fun. The children and staff looked fantastic!

The teachers all really enjoyed the opportunity to read around the classrooms and all commented on how engaged the tamariki were with the books they were reading.

Our bedtime stories night was a huge success. Thanks to the lovely ladies from the PTA who made hot chocolates for our all the tamariki.

Our School received $1100 worth of books.

A very special thank you to Heather and her very able team of helpers, who set up the fair, worked tirelessly for many hours during the fair and packed it all up. You ladies are absolutely amazing. We appreciate all you do for our tamariki.

We are looking forward to 2019 already and have plans of making our School Book Fair even bigger and even better next year.