Hero photograph
Photo by Pauline Prescott

Important dates

Pauline Prescott —

You won't want to miss these events ...

Thursday 17 May - BOT Meeting - 7pm, Hoiho Hub

Friday 18 May - Anti-Bullying: Pink Shirt Day, Paerangi Assembly 9.15am

Friday 25 May - Whole School Assembly 9.15am, PTA Discos  Juniors (Year 0-2)  5.30-6.30pm; Seniors (Year 3-6) 6.45-8pm

Tuesday 29 May - ICAS Science

Friday 1 June - Paerangi Assembly 9.15am

Monday 4 June - Queen's Birthday - School closed

Tuesday 5 June - PTA meeting, 7pm in the Staff Room

Friday 8 June - Whakatipu Assembly 9.15am

Wednesday 13 June - ICAS Spelling, PTA fundraising lunch (more details to come)

Thursday 14 June - ICAS Writing

Friday 15 June - Whole School Assembly 9.15am

Tuesday 19 June - BOT Meeting 7pm Hoiho Hub

Wednesday 20 June - New Entrant Parent Information Evening

Friday 22 June - Year 6 to Casebrook 9am-12pm, Paerangi Assembly 2.15pm

Monday 25 and Wednesday 27 June - New Entrant Enrolments

Tuesday 26 June - School Photos (class, individual and specialty groups, e.g. Road Patrol, Reddie Techs, etc).  School closing 12.30pm to allow teachers to attend paid Union meeting at Horncastle Arena

Tuesday 3 July - Winter Tournament

Wednesday 4 July - PTA fundraising lunch - American Hot Dogs

Friday 6 July - Whole School Assembly 9.15am, end of Term 2. School closes 3pm