Hero photograph
Lifting off at Redwood Primary School!
Photo by Nick Gunn

About Us

Nick Gunn —

Redwood is a contributing primary school with children new entrant to year six. It was established in 1969 after an announcement was made in 1962 that land had been set aside in Prestons Road for the establishment of a new primary school in the area.

The district to be served by the school was to have the following boundaries: Main North Road, Daniel’s Road, Grimseys Road and the Styx River. It was anticipated that the opening roll would be 180 and that the school would grow rapidly. The grading roll was 232. Six classrooms, a dental clinic and a Library room were being provided.

The interim Committee felt that the name “Redwood” (Te Kura o te Rakau Whero) was in keeping with the school area. It was derived from the magnificent Redwood tree that is situated in the grounds of the Redwood Motels.

On Saturday the 29th of March 1969 the school was officially opened by Mr H. L. Pickering, MP for Rangiora, and he planted a Redwood tree which is still growing on the eastern boundary.

Today the school serves some 320+ pupils from a somewhat wider catchment than was originally intended. Our tamariki represent around 25 nationalities and reflect the growing diversity of the city of Christchurch, especially post 2011 earthquakes. Growth saw an enrolment scheme put in place on two separate occasions to prevent overcrowding. The community spirit which marked the beginning of the school over 40 years ago is still evident today with active learners, an enthusiastic and committed staff, a strong PTA, a dedicated Board and an involved community.

The Board of Trustees (B.o.T.) is responsible for governing the school, that is, establishing policy and ensuring that National Curriculum Guidelines are met. The Principal is responsible for the management and leadership of the school. The aim of the Board, Principal and staff is to maximise learning for each child.

The teachers of each team are responsible for learning programmes, although this is looked upon as a co­-operative affair, with the school working in three teaching teams; Whakatipu (years 1and 2), Poutama (years 3 and 4)  and Paerangi (years 4 to 6). Each team is lead by a Team Leader who co­‐ordinates learning and works with the Principal as part of the Leadership Team. The Principal and Deputy Principal supports Team Leaders taking a collaborative approach to school leadership. The school works collaboratively overall as a team with coordinated programmes and teaching approaches designed to give our tamariki rich learning opportunities, encourage positive attitudes to life­‐long learning, foster creativity and problem solving.

Redwood School is very much a ‘living organism’. It is changing, developing and improving in response to our changing world and the needs of the children. The school is being redeveloped as a collaborative learning community with shared learning spaces. The school is organised so that all learning groups are interactive and responsive so that our children are assisted but also challenged in their learning. The school places great emphasis on community and relationship as being central to learning and life. 

Redwood Primary School is currently undergoing a major redevelopment. Work commenced in December of 2020 starting with the demolition of a number of old classrooms. Two large learning spaces are being built currently. Each space is designed to met the needs of four classes, with teachers and classes working in collaborative partnerships of two. The two brick Canterbury Blocks at the front of the school will be refurbished upon completion of the the new learning spaces. Our redevelopment is expected to be completed in 2022/23.