Nick Gunn — Nov 12, 2023

Poutama Year 4 & 5 Teacher - 2024

We are looking forward to John joining us as a full teacher in the Poutama Team.

John completed his teaching qualification in 2005 before being a Youth Worker. After stints of being a stay-at-home-dad, John refreshed his teacher qualification and has juggled study, family life and teaching in the last few years. He has joined the Redwood school community this year in Paerangi, and is looking forward to being part of the Poutama Team in 2024.

John lives in Avonhead with Marisa and their two children, Benjamin and Lucille. John enjoys spending quality time with family and friends, playing cricket and following the Blackcaps - while his call-up is looking increasingly unlikely, he still hopes. He enjoys going for family adventures - especially to the West Coast, and playing Pokémon Go with his children.