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2023 Year 9 & 10 Students … Lock this into your calendar – Junior Camps are coming!

Carolyn Wright - Camp Co-ordinator —

We are excited to let you know that our Year 10 students will be the first 2023 visitors to visit our awesome Orohaki Outdoor Adventure Camp in Term 1, with our Year 9 students following in Term 2! This is an absolute highlight for all students, creating some fun experiences and great memories with their friends!

Orohaki Outdoor Centre is proudly owned by Riccarton High School, and we are extremely lucky to be able to provide an amazing outdoor experience for our students overseen by our own qualified Outdoor Education staff, catering to the needs of our unique demographic of students.

Our Junior Camps provide wonderful opportunities for students to develop confidence and resourcefulness and build positive connections with classmates, teachers, and communities. Being disconnected from technology helps students to engage with the world around them and to value real-world interactions. Students will participate in a variety of fun games to develop leadership and teamwork skills before being introduced to a range of adventure activities. This gives them the opportunity to try new things and face personal challenges in a safe, supportive environment. Students also work on their collective responsibility, cooking and cleaning for themselves, with a menu tailored to their dietary needs, including halal, vegetarian, and food allergies. 

The kinds of activities our students can look forward to experiencing are Raft Building, Canyoning, and a Bush Campout for our Year 10’s, while our Year 9’s introduction to Orohaki includes Bush Walking, Archery, Flax Weaving, and a Campfire experience.

Much of the gear needed for camp can be brought from home – warm clothing (even in summer!), a rain jacket, a sleeping bag, etc., but items can be provided at camp if you don’t have them. The cost for camp is a $240.00 voluntary contribution, meaning that cost is not a barrier to any student attending camp. However, for Riccarton High School to continue to provide a valuable camp experience we do rely on these contributions to fund our camp overheads – staff, food, amenities, and quality equipment. We welcome all financial contributions that our community can provide.

At the beginning of Term 1 2023, Year 10 students will be emailed/delivered permission slips and gear lists. These will need to be completed and returned promptly, as our first group will depart on Wednesday 15 February, with a group departing each week thereafter. Outdoor Education is a compulsory part of the New Zealand Curriculum of Learning, so it is important to consider camp as an extension of the classroom, and we promise it will be a fun and valuable experience for all!

If you have any questions or concerns regarding your child attending camp, please don’t hesitate to email Carolyn Wright, our camp co-ordinator, at info@riccarton.school.nz